PJP #022 - Spinner Screw
In this episode we hear about Mike's exciting journey to
Twin Falls, ID, the site of his long awaited instrument
checkride. We also discuss favorite AirVenture 2010 experiences and hear tales
of Mike and Stew's epic journey in N225M. |
Mike and N225M
The Pilots Journey Spaghetti Party
Martt at the Airpigz Meat-Up
Monika and Jim, Pilots Journey Swag winners at the MyTransponder party
The crew discuss favorite aircraft seen at AirVenture, and Stu stuns his co-hosts with a surprise selection. |
Glasair Sportsman 2+2
Maverick LSA
Diamond DA42 Twinstar
David Clark X11
Stew reviews the David Clark X11 Headset and Mike names FAASaftey.gov as the Featured Site. |
Other links:
- http://www.airventure.org EAA Air Venture
- http://MyTransponder.com MyTransponder.com
- http://AirPigz.com
- http://www.glasairaviation.com Glastar Sportsman 2+2
- http://www.expeditionaircraft.com Expedition E350
- http://www.mavericklsa.com Maverick LSA
- http://www.diamondaircraft.com Diamond DA42
- http://www.airnav.com/airport/KTWF Joslin Field, Twin Falls ID
- http://www.davidclark.com David Clark X11
- http://www.lightspeedaviation.com Lightspeed Zulu
- http://www.FAASafety.gov FAASafety.gov
- http://www.flightaware.com FlightAware
- http://www.pilotsofamerica.com Pilots of America Forum
- http://www.scheyden.com Scheyden Precision Eyewear
- http://allianceairshow.com Alliance Airshow
- http://flyaboutmovie.com Flyabout Movie
- http://thevoicesinyourhead.com The Aviation Podcasts Network
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